
Medical Device Health App


A company started by the simple need to be able to track medical devices from manufacturing to clinical too home use. To empower patients to be engaged and to be their advocate for healthy living.


You just had a medical device implanted in your body. Now you want to register it to be able to track any concerns or recalls. Additionally, if you have a medical device that monitors or collects data the app will manage your personal information.

MedDevTrack Case Study


User-centric logo design. Interviewed users on colors and the use of arrows to simulate both direction and motion. The color green suggests a sense of balance and harmony as well as a connection to nature. While blue inspires a sense of calm awareness with feelings of trust. Blue is a great choice to inspire a sense of assurance and healing.

Presentation Deck

An Executive Overview presentation for the sales team. Used to explain how the user needs to fit into the business needs. PREZI cloud-based presentation tool was used for presentation. It can be presented via the web to mobile and desktop and includes stats of usage.

Web Site

Web property to host presentations and webinars to stimulate growth and gain ROI from marketing campaigns. Their goals were to increase awareness of the alarming rate of Implanted medical Device Recalls and Warnings and to host user sign up and contact information for the desktop version of the app.


A detailed presentation for stakeholders, product managers, and healthcare professionals. The Symposium format with 3 experts weighing in on FDA Regulations and the increasing failure of implanted Medical Devices. The Symposium took on a webinar look and feel with attendees commenting in a Q & A session before the conclusion.

Device Tracking App

Due to the increased occurrence of defective implanted medical devices with lawsuits in the billions. There needs to be a process in which the manufacturer is held accountable to FDA safety regulations and provides safety assurance to the end-user of the implanted medical device. Working with FDA Regulations this product assures compliance of the manufacturer and provides the user with an assurance of accurate updates and recall warnings.